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Slavery; A Phenomenon Of All Times

Why a book on slavery? Slavery has been abolished in the 1800s and 1900s by most nations on this planet. So there shouldn’t be a need to write on slavery. Really?!


This book deals mainly with the origin of slavery, transatlantic slave trade and slavery today. To this date there are more slaves than during the Middle Ages. The treatment of slaves today are as gruesome as during those ages. Slavery has not disappeared by law. A different phenomenon appeared on the world stage in the form of racism, poverty, inequality and modern-day slavery. The consequence of modern-day slavery is that it is either unknown to many or it is hidden in plain sight.

In 2003 it was 170 years ago that slavery had been abolished in Britain by the “Abolition Act of 1833”. In 2013 it had been 150 years ago that the Kingdom of the Netherlands abolished slavery in its colonies in the West Indies on 1 July 1863 with the exception of a transition period granted to Surinam for the abolition of slavery in 1873. On 6 December 2015 it will be 150 years ago that the United States of America ratified the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution and its adoption was proclaimed on 18 December 1865 by the Secretary of State (1861-1869), William H. Seward (1801-1872).

What can be done about slavery? That is a question that needs to be addressed to authorities and people concerned with this phenomenon. It is time to tackle this problem to bring peace and recover humanity from this ingrained mind control.

Joyce Herry started writing fiction books for children in 2005. As the world around her was changing rapidly, she went on a quest to find out what is wrong with humanity. She realizes that inequality has to do with slavery in every sense of the word. As she was researching this subject, she received  much help from family, friends and acquaintances in order for her to write this non-fiction book for adults:

Slavery – A Phenomenon Of All Times – ISBN/EAN 978-90-809729-8-8 and

The book can be ordered for € 24.99 by indicating how many copies are required at: MI Publishing for the attention of Joyce Herry at ; tel. +31 (0)73-6418387.

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