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5th Nordic Latin American Research Network Conference in Denmark

The 5th Nordic Latin American Research Network Conference NOLAN 2010: Society, Culture, and Nature in Latin America. New Political Tendencies, takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark, on November 12-14 ( There are 18 workshops/panels planned for this conference.

Myriam Coco (right on the picture) is organising, together with her collegue Leiv Marsteintredet, a workshop that springs out of a collaborate and multidisciplinary effort at the University of Bergen to focus on conflicts and identities in the Caribbean. The workshop is multidisciplinary; the organisers appreciate proposals from the humanities as well as the social sciences, and they work with a relatively broad geographical definition of the Caribbean. You can see the description of the workshop further down or at the following address click here.
The deadline for sending abstracts is August 1.

For Latin American participants, there is also a possibility for applying for travel grants. Please see the attached information and contact the conference organisers ( for more information.

For more information about the conference, Copenhagen, the program and the other workshops, please consult the conference webpages, click here.

Workshop description

Workshop 15: Nations and relations in a contemporary globalized context: Identity construction in the Caribbean

This interdisciplinary workshop will invite participants to come together and discuss forms of identity construction in a contemporary globalized context in the Caribbean. Due to early confluences of radically different cultures in the Caribbean, some scholars have called it “the first globalized area in the world”, and they have characterized the area by terms like “transculturation”, “hybridization” and “creolization”. These concepts have become useful tools in attempts to form distinct Caribbean identities in a postcolonial context. The subsequent openness has, on the other hand, always been countered by discourses which come into play to exclude “the other” – through racist, classist, sexist, machista and homophobic attitudes – and the linguistic barriers between the Caribbean countries constitute a challenge to communication, which has to be taken seriously. In today’s globalized context, the topic of identity construction has become further complicated/enriched by the great extent of migration, demanding new narratives of the nation and other forms of collective identities. On a political level, the initiative of ALBA has been considered a “bolivarian” alternative to the US-led ALCA, with a potential for regional integration.

The aim of this workshop is to initiate a scholarly interchange in order to analyze Caribbean identity construction from different linguistic areas (Dutch, English, French, Spanish), and from different fields of research (literature, film, art, linguistics, didactics, history, social anthropology, religion, philosophy, geography, archeology and political science). Topics may include but are not limited to: geography and identity, race/ethnicity, migration, diasporas, cultural/linguistic hybridity, postcolonial perspectives, gender/sexuality, popular culture, nation building and regional integrati.

Dr. Myriam Coco
Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies
University of Bergen
Postboks 7805
5020 Bergen

Dr. Leiv Marsteintredet
Department of Comparative Politics
University of Bergen
Christies gate 15
N-5007 Bergen

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