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Malacca and Havana: two colonial port cities compared

by Katrina Gulliver

The colonial city has developed a particular identity in theories of urbanism and imperial order. This paper will discuss the ways in which particular cities challenge these frames of analysis. As with all cities, in which the surrounding crowds of strangers create the urban experience, the colonial city offered both layered and mediated encounters. By addressing the subjectivity of the urban experience in particular locations, it is possible to reinterpret our understanding of these cities’ development and role in colonial networks. This paper will in particular discuss Malacca and Havana, comparing the Southeast Asian and Caribbean experiences.

Katrina Gulliver is a research fellow in history at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. She is currently working on a project comparing the development of colonial port cities.

Date: Thursday 4 November 2010
Time: 15.30 – 17.00 h
Venue: KITLV, Room 138, Reuvensplaats 2, 2311 BE, Leiden
Please register if you wish to attend: / 071‐527 2295
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