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Psssssstttttttt… – Pick Up Lines in Papiamentu

Psssstttttttt… like a snake. Psssssttttt…. like you have to pee really badly. And then once he has her attention, he follows it up with: “… hey Duuuushi!”

“Tantu karni i ami ku hamber!” (translation: “all that juicy meat… and I’m hungry”)
“Dushi, si bo tabata un kop’i sopi lo ma komebo ku’n forki pa bo’n kaba nunka!” (translation: “honey, if you were a cup of soup, I’d eat you with a fork, so you’d last forever!”)
“Bo tin dos poderoso rason pa ta na bida!” (translation: “you have two mighty powerful reasons to be alive!”)
[from 1000awesomethingsaboutcuracao ]

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