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Posts tagged with: History Reclaimed

Did slavery make Britain rich?

Decolonisation and Progressive Masochism

by Doug Stokes

Slavery has been common across all human civilisations as an institution. The dominant ‘decolonial’ narrative we now have in the UK, primarily due to the wholesale importation of America’s culture war psychodrama, seeks to attribute responsibility and guilt to the UK in the present day, not least by attributing its past and present wealth to slavery. What is the evidence?

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The Awakening of the Anglican Conscience concerning Slavery

Campaigns for the “decolonisation” of British historiography have at least one positive consequence – the shedding of new light on hitherto neglected or overlooked or misrepresented passages in British history, including the roots of the rejection of slavery.

 by Robert Jackson

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History Reclaimed

Our Mission
History has become one of the major battlegrounds in the culture wars that are causing anger and alarm across the democratic world. They are particularly virulent in North America, Australasia and Britain.

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