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100 Opheto: A history of Curaçao

The history of Curaçao is often described from the perspective of the powerful. The project ´100 Opheto´ searches for the historical stories of the Curaçaoans themselves by examining meaningful objects they have kept, from the past up to the present. By doing this, 100 Opheto wants to contribute to a common awareness of Curaçao’s past, in the belief that this will ultimately lead to new perspectives on the future.

donkey saddle

100 objects

Over time, many diverse memories and experiences become attached to the objects with which we surround ourselves. These objects thus transcend their initial functions. They absorb their own history, their own narrative, connect us with others, with a certain place, with times gone by. In this way, a simple object can become a relic that answers the questions of our origins, and of who we are.

View all 100 objects

The cow horn was used as a musical instrument to pass on messages such as death announcements. 
on 24.09.2022 at 6:18

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