blog | werkgroep caraïbische letteren

What’s the Caribbean without its beaches?

But the people are losing access to them
by Kenneth Mohammed

Walk along a Caribbean beach, which may stretch for miles, and your stroll is guaranteed to be cut short by an angry hotel security guard. In recent years, the Caribbean has seen a worrying trend of governments readily selling off assets to foreign corporations and political financiers.

the island coast / foto Aart G. Broek
the island coast of Klein Bonaire / foto Aart G. Broek

Prime real estate, protected land and valuable resources are being relinquished without consideration for long-term consequences. It raises questions about whether remnants of the colonial mindset still prevail in political ideologies and decision-making.

Continue reading on the website of the Guardian, June 6, 2023.

on 12.06.2023 at 8:57
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