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The Strength of Women

In February 2009 Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi presented her inter-disciplinary art project The Strenght of Women. This art project consisted of an experimental art film UMA, a book and a solo exhibition. The film UMA had its première on December 8, 2008 during the documentary festival of The Back Lot. In this short video film of 9 minutes, Tanuya Manichand expresses herself in a dance about the diverse strengths of a woman. UMA is an inter-disciplinary and inter-cultural exchange between Tanuya Manichand (dancer, Suriname), Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi (visual artist, Suriname) and Karel Doing (visual artist and filmmaker, Rotterdam).

In the book The Strength of Women, Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi narrates both visually and in words, three stories about strong women. In these stories she wants to create a true fusion between visual art and the art of words. The visual imagination should not be subordinate to the story, or the other way around.

De kracht van vrouwen / The strength of women
Over Kit-Ling Tjon Pian Gi / About Kit- Ling Tjon Pian Gi
Written by : Kit-ling Tjon Pian Gi
Written in Dutch and English
Softcover, 68 pages
SRD 42.00

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