Op donderdag 27 mei 2021 ondertekenden Rita Rahman, voorzitter van de Werkgroep Caraïbische Letteren, en... Lees verder →
Seven Small Caribbean Islands You Should Visit
by Sarah Greaves-Gabbadon
Out of the way and sometimes challenging to reach, the Caribbean’s smaller isles are often overlooked. But here are seven gems that we consider to be desirable as they are diminutive, and well worth that extra flight or ferry ride.
There’s something magical about St. Kitts’ sister island. It might be something in the calm warm water or it could be the magnetic pull of Mount Nevis, the volcanic peak in the center of the 10-square-mile island. Whatever it is, this gem is a must-visit. read on…
Hurricane Mia
by Gillian Swart
There’s a hurricane coming, but as far as storms go, it’s pretty tame. Former businesswoman and author Donna Seim humbly hopes it’s enjoyable to children.
Hurricane Mia: a Caribbean Adventure is Seim’s latest book, her first for middle-grade readers, and it will be launched from her former business, The Dragon’s Nest in Market Square, Newbury (Turks & Caicos Islands) from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday.
As the story goes, Mia is a 12-year-old girl from Boston whose mother is sick, and so, with her brother, is whisked away ‑ against her will ‑ to a remote Caribbean island for a summer with her grandparents. She is not happy about it, the author notes.
“She’s quite feisty,” says Seim. “She’s not happy, so she’s going to let everyone around her know that. I think she’s the kind of protagonist that girls will identify with.”
After meeting an island girl named Neisha and a search for the tea that cures everything ‑ at least, according to Neisha ‑ Mia’s attitude undergoes an adjustment. With Neisha, Mia and her brother Jack sail the high seas, search uninhabited islands and meet wild creatures in their quest to find the magical tea…