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Posts tagged with: S.A.L. Mongui Maduro Library

Mongui Maduro Event: “Dikón Luis Daal?”

The last Mongui Maduro Lecture  of 2019 will be held on November 20th in the light of the 100th birthdate of Luis Henrique Placido Daal; poet, essayist, scholar, translator and journalist. Luis Daal was born in Willemstad (Curaçao) in 1919 and passed away in 1997, one day before returning to his homeland to give a course to journalists.

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Snoa archives in Mongui Maduro Library, Curaçao

Mongui Maduro Library not only holds a varied collection of around 9.500 historical maps, records, musical scores, photographs, postcards, newspapers, magazines books and thematically categorized news clippings . The library is honored to host the archives of the synagogue Mikvé Israel-Emanuel (MIE) generally referred to as the “ Snoa archives” . This archival collection of the Curaçao Sephardic Jewish community, dating back to 1711, is safely preserved in the library’s climate-controlled depot .

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