Op donderdag 27 mei 2021 ondertekenden Rita Rahman, voorzitter van de Werkgroep Caraïbische Letteren, en... Lees verder →
Karin Amatmoekrim promoveert op Anil Ramdas
Op dinsdag 26 september 2023 verdedigt Karin Amatmoekrim haar proefschrift In wat voor land leef ik eigenlijk? Anil Ramdas, onmogelijk kosmopoliet aan de Universiteit Leiden.
read on…The Postcolonial Low Countries: exaggerated claim
door Jeroen Dewulf
As the editors Elleke Boehmer and Sarah De Mul of The Postcolonial Low Countries rightly argue, little attention has traditionally been paid to Dutchspeaking areas in global analysis of the cultural legacy of Europe’s colonial policies. In this respect, the publication of a new volume that attempts to reach a broad range of scholars interested in the legacy of Dutch and Belgian colonial policies in the contemporary Low Countries and their former overseas possessions in Africa, Asia, and the Americas should be welcomed.
read on…Not a single word on Dutch-Caribbean people
by Jeroen Dewulf
[Review of: The Postcolonial Low Countries: Literature, Colonialism, and Multiculturalism. Edited by Elleke Boehmer and Sarah De Mul. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2012. 266 pp. Cloth $ 90.00.]
As the editors Elleke Boehmer and Sarah De Mul of The Postcolonial Low Countries rightly argue, little attention has traditionally been paid to Dutch-speaking areas in global analysis of the cultural legacy of Europe’s colonial policies. In this respect, the publication of a new volume that attempts to reach a broad range of scholars interested in the legacy of Dutch and Belgian colonial policies in the contemporary Low Countries and their former overseas possessions in Africa, Asia, and the Americas should be welcomed. read on…
Dutch racism
Platform for Postcolonial Readings
The 15thmeeting of the Platform for Postcolonial Readings is dedicated to the new book Dutch Racism (Rodopi 2014), a timely intervention in a very polarised and often simplifying debate, edited by Philomena Essed (Professor of Critical Race, Gender and Leadership Studies, Antioch University) and Isabel Hoving (associate professor Film and Literary Studies and Diversity Officer, Leiden University).
read on…