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Posts tagged with: Halfman Jordi

Equaliberty in the Dutch Caribbean

Equaliberty in the Dutch Caribbean is a collection of essays that explores fundamental questions of equality and freedom on the non-sovereign islands of the Dutch Caribbean.

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Conference: Collaboration, Creativity and Change in the Imaginations of our Kingdom

Both national and international funding agencies increasingly require research proposals to incorporate multilevel collaboration in order to impact the lives of the people we do research with. As a beneficiary of such funding, the IMANAT (Imagining the Nation in the Classroom) consortium included partners from various disciplines from across the Kingdom. These collaborations raised some important questions: How to integrate various needs, demands and imagination, or better: who decides what is valuable to who? How can collaborations change during and after research? Does academic knowledge or research experience allow us any sort of ‘expert’ position? Must we produce academic papers and policy briefs only, or can we coproduce films, sounds and art collections? How indeed do we employ our creativity? This one-day symposium brings together artists, activists, various academics, and policymakers to share previous experiences and imagine new possibilities in Dutch Caribbean research.​

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