Op donderdag 27 mei 2021 ondertekenden Rita Rahman, voorzitter van de Werkgroep Caraïbische Letteren, en... Lees verder →
Proefschrift Girjasing: Aanbevelingen voor een democratie
Dr. Bharti Girjasing (34) promoveerde medio november aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam op de democratische rechtsstaat Suriname. In haar proefschrift zet ze 45 jaar Surinaamse geschiedenis uiteen en laat ze zien waar (nog) de pijnpunten liggen. Het bevat ‘klip en klare’ aanbevelingen om de democratie te verbeteren. ‘Het is aan Suriname om daar iets mee te doen.’
read on…Challenging Perspectives on the Indian Diaspora
Keynote speaker: Professor Peter van der Veer, Max Planck Institute, Göttingen
Since the 1980s, Indian diaspora conferences have been organized to exchange knowledge about the practice of indentured labour, disparate experiences, research ideas, and future plans. The perspective was predominantly historical, although the conferences included contemporary topics. The themes of the conferences were not demarcated; in fact, all subjects were welcomed. As a result, the papers presented dealt with a wide array of topics. Looking back, it should be acknowledged that these conferences have yielded a huge amount of knowledge about the ‘indenture experience’. Today, the research field is almost exhaustively documented. This is the reason to move forward to new eras in the Indian experience and to new disciplinary perspectives. read on…