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Posts tagged with: diversiteit & inclusie

Paneldialoog: “Surinamers benadeeld in onderwijs?”

Uit onderzoek blijkt dat biculturele jongeren minder kans te hebben om via havo en vwo naar het hoger onderwijs door te stromen. De route om via het mbo alsnog het hbo of de universiteit te bereiken is mede daarom populair bij deze jongeren. Hieruit blijkt dat allochtone jongeren wel de potentie en ambitie hebben om te studeren, maar dat dit op jonge leeftijd niet wordt (h)erkend.

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International Iris M. Young Memorial Symposium

Inclusion and Democracy Revisited

Normalisation and Difference in 21st century Europe

Iris M. Young’s book Inclusion and Democracy, published first in 2000 still enhances our critical understanding of what the notion of Inclusion ought to be in the 21st century far beyond her early and tragic death in 2006. The topic of Normalisation and Difference is central to a project of 21st century democracies as group differences of increasingly multi-cultural and multi-national populations, and also EU multiple anti-discrimination Law asks citizens, organisations and national governments/ bureaucracies alike to look out for more inclusive societies.

Young’s critique of processes of normalisation determines her reading of an ‘inclusive democracy’. Young (2006: 96) defines her understanding of normalisation as follows; ‘I refer to processes that construct experiences and capacities of some social segments into standards against which all are measured and some found wanting or deviant.’ On the background of her intellectual contribution we wish to provoke a conversation and critical engagement with some of the social and symbolic contradictions arising in 21st century European, after all European Union Member State democracies when tackling the inclusion/ exclusion dynamics.

We invite some outspoken international and well known local speakers to share their thoughts with us and reflect on I. M. Young’s intellectual legacy for the current state of European societies, in particular in the Netherlands.

Speakers include:
Prof. Alia Al-Saji Author of The time of difference: thinking body, memory and intersubjectivity with Bergson and Merlau-Ponty; McGill University, Canada
Dr. Mariam Martínez-Bascuñan Author of Gènero, Emancipaciòn Y Differencia (s) – La teorià polìtica de Iris Marion Young; Independent University of Madrid, Spain
Prof. José Medina Author of Speaking from Elsewhere: A new contextualist perspective on meaning, identity and discursive practice; Vanderbilt University, US

Book launch 17.00 – 18.00
Ulrike M. Vieten (2012) Gender and Cosmopolitanism in Europe: A Feminist Perspective, Farnham: Ashgate

Date: Thursday 5 July 2012, 10.00-17.00
Location:  De Balie, Amsterdam (Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 10)
Organizers James C. Kennedy, Halleh Ghorashi, Thomas Spijkerboer, Ulrike M Vieten, Guno Jones (Research Group‘Inclusive Thinking’)
Registration is open until 1 july. Inquiry and reservation:

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