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Sint Maarten approves plan to destroy entire population of vervet monkeys

by Rebecca Bird

The Caribbean territory plans to exterminate at least 450 of the invasive primates – but critics disagree with the proposal

Black face vervet monkey / wikipedia

The government of Sint Maarten in the eastern Caribbean has approved a controversial plan to cull its entire population of vervet monkeys, as the proliferation of the invasive species becomes an increasing nuisance on the Dutch island territory.
Authorities will fund the Nature Foundation St Maarten NGO to capture and euthanise at least 450 monkeys over the next three years in the territory which borders French St Martin.

To continue reading, please turn to the Guardian-website, January 18, 2023.

Lees ook: ‘AAP fel tegen uitroeien groene meerkatten Sint Maarten’, Animals Today, 20 januari 2023.

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