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Saturnalia with Saturnalia on the 6th edition of the Dance Festival Rencontre de danses métisses in Cayenne (French Guyana).

Saturnalia is a solo dance performance danced and choreographed by Aquiles Holladay. Saturnalia is an Ancient Roman festival that was held in honor of the god Saturn. The Roman Saturnalia festival was a week-long celebration commemorating him. Saturn is in bondage and is released for the week of celebrations.

In this piece, Aquiles loosely explores Saturn and his expression in various cultures. The Crow is Saturn’s symbol in alchemy. In Hinduism he rides a Crow. The Crow in Native American mythology is called “Father Crow” or “Chief Crow”. He is considered the first Chief to many tribes.

Saturn crystallizes, solidifies and binds matter and spirit to their duties. We feel his pain when we fail to live up to the order. He has been bound in order to balance out the World. If Saturn was allowed to put his full control on us we would not enjoy the freedom of living and learning, no mutations, no evolution. Our forests would be organized not like the wilderness we have today. But without some order we would be floating particles in space.

– Saturday 27th November 2010: Fort-Diamant à Rémire-Montjoly, Cayenne – 08.00 PM
– Saturday 4th December 2010: l’Auditorium de l’EnCre, Cayenne – 08.00 PM

Saturnalia will be seen in Suriname in January 2011

Dance & Choreography: Aquiles Holladay
Director: Maikel Austen

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