Resistance! Rebellion and culture in the former Dutch colonies
The means imperial powers disposed of to succeed in maintaining their authority have been documented since the earliest colonial times. But gradually we begin to understand that the oppressed peoples had their own means of maintaining their dignity, come into revolt and develop successful ways of resistance.
How did these ways of rebellion come into existence, what form did they take? Where do we find the sources to picture this anticolonial resistance? And how was it represented it in art, printed matter, material culture, museums, literature, theatre? Historians, sociologists, specialists in art history and literary historians will raise and answer this kind of questions in a series of lectures on resistance and rebellion in four centuries of colonial suppression in the Dutch colonies, as well as on cases of 20th century rebellions.
Coordinated by Dutch-Caribbean Culture, prof. dr Michiel van Kempen
3 October – Dr Kwame Nimako – African-based resistance in the New World: philosophy and culture
10 October –Tara Neplenbroek MA: Moments of Antillean resistance with special focus on the Curaçao-revolt of May 1969
17 October – Cor de Vries: Emotions as a means to bring about change: Slavery and Resistance in Monzongo, of de koningklyke slaaf (1774), the first anti-slavery play in the Netherlands
24 October – no classes
31 October – Prof. Dr Alex van Stipriaan Luïscius: Resistance and rebellion in 17th and 18th century Suriname
7 November – Drs Carl Haarnack – The depiction of slave rebellion in books from the sixteenth thru nineteenth centuries
14 November – Prof Dr Rosemarijn Hoefte: Rebellion and resistance among indentured labourers in Suriname
21 November – Dr Ellen Klinkers: Colonial policing in times of crisis, Suriname 1900-1940
28 November – Bert Reinders: Resistance and rebellion in the patent area of the VOC (Africa and Asia)
5 December – Dr Aart G. Broek – Resistance and rebellion in Papiamentu texts
12 December – Drs Jules Rijssen – The Caribbean contribution to allied forces in WW II
19 December – Dr Dyonna Benett: Museology, heritage and inclusivity
Location: P.C. Hoofthuis, Spuistraat 134, Amsterdam, room 1.04
Register in SIS (UvA students only)
Other parties
- Other parties, such as contract students, UvA staff or students from other institutions, interested can register from June 11, through the registration form.
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