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Religion, Power, and Society in Suriname and Guyana

Did you ever wonder how religion is affecting our life and relations with others? How is it shaping societies in today’s world where religious adversities easily escalate to a level of almost no return? If yes, then you may want to read a study on two Caribbean nations. Dr. Kirtie Algoe’s first internationally published book: Religion, Power, and Society in Suriname and Guyana; Hindu, Muslim, and Christian Relations (Routledge).

The book offers a framework for understanding religiously diverse postcolonial nations by comparing demography, religious leadership, political factors and colonial backgrounds. It illuminates how different religious groups create, negotiate and even contest social, economic and political identities in a single geographical space.  In a world where the ‘powers to define’ are not usually in our own hands, the book gives our region’s experience with religious diversity a voice.

This book surveys the development of the religious landscape in Suriname and Guyana, focusing on the interaction between Hindus, Muslims and Christians and responses to Christian dominance. Making valuable data
accessible to scholars in the English language, this volume provides a framework for the study of interreligious relations and for understanding the religious worlds of the Caribbean.

If interested in (updates about) this book, please contact dr. K. Algoe.

Whatsapp: +597-8661908

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For more info:

Series: Studies in World Christianity and Interreligious Relations

Pre Order on Amazon or your preferred retailer.
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Hb: 978-1-032-01020-5 | $128.00

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