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by Bart Jacobs

This page was elaborated by Bart Jacobs, PhD student at the University of Munich (Germany), Linguistisches Internationales Promotions Programm (LIPP), in co-tutela with the University of Coimbra (Portugal).

Information on the language:

Alternative names: Papiamento (on Aruba); Papiaments (Dutch label)


Papiamentu is a creole language whose classification as either Spanish- or Portuguese-based creole is controversial, due to its mixed Spanish-Portuguese lexicon.

Martinus (1996), Quint (2000) and Jacobs (2009) have revealed linguistic ties with the Portuguese-based creoles of Upper Guinea, as spoken on the Cape Verde Islands and in Guinea-Bissau / Casamance. The nature of these ties warrants sub-grouping Papiamentu within the branch of Upper Guinea Portuguese Creole. For this branch, Quint proposed the French label Créoles Afro-Portugais de l’Afrique de l’Ouest.

Main dialects:

Papiamentu can roughly be subdivided into three dialects, corresponding to the three islands on which it is spoken: Papiamentu, Curaçao (/ Curaçoleño; appr. 120.000 speakers); Papiamento, Aruba (/ Arubiano; appr. 60.000 speakers); Papiamentu, Bonaire (/ Boneriano; appr. 10.000 speakers). The dialectal differences concern the lexicon, phonology and (though rarely) morphosyntax, but never impede mutual intelligibility.

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