Pan-Africanism: promotie Mano Delea
Mano Delea (parttime werkzaam bij het Ninsee) nodigt u graag uit voor zijn promotie aan de UvA op 11 januari 2019. Het proefschrift dat hij zal verdedigen heeft de titel: Pan-Africanism: A Legacy of Slavery.

Mano Delea. Foto © WOH/UvA
Mano Delea is a Ph.D. candidate at the department of history of the University of Amsterdam. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen and a Master’s degree in Political Science, International Relations from the University of Amsterdam. He is currently Programme Director of the Summer School on Black Europe and Researcher at the National Institute for the Study of Dutch Slavery and its Legacy (NiNsee).
He was Programme Officer for the Forest People’s Programme in Suriname and French Guyana in 2006-7 where he assisted a human rights lawyer with the Saramaka People v. Suriname land rights case and the human rights Case of Moiwana Village. Both cases, pending before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights of the Organization of American States, were won. He was paralegal at the Finance & Projects group of the law firm DLA Piper in 2007.
Mano Delea’s dissertation examines the collective memory of Atlantic chattel slavery and their implications on Pan-Africanism and knowledge production; it includes the analysis of Pan-Africanism as a social movement and its institutionalization. His supervisors are Professor Stephen Small and Dr. Kwame Nimako. Professor Small is Emeritus NiNsee Extraordinary Professor of History of the Dutch slavery and its legacy at the University of Amsterdam and Professor of African American Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Kwame Nimako, Founding Director of the Summer School on Black Europe, taught International Relations at the University of Amsterdam and African American Studies at the University of California, Berkeley.
Zijn promotoren zijn Prof. dr. Stephen Small en Dr. Kwame Nimako. De verdediging zal plaatsvinden op vrijdag 11 januari 2019 in de Aula van de Universiteit van Amsterdam, Singel 411, 1012 XM Amsterdam om 13.00 stipt. Graag 15 minuten van te voren aanwezig zijn!
Tijd: 13:00-14.30. Aansluitend een receptie.
PS. De universiteit raadt aan om kinderen van onder de 6 jaar mee te nemen naar promotieplechtigheden. De plechtigheid wordt gehouden in het Engels.