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Organizer of Storyfusion Cabaret! featuring Hilli Arduin

Organizer: Storytelling Toronto | StoryFusion Cabaret!

StoryFusion Cabaret! is pleased to offer a special presentation with visiting storyteller Hilli Arduin.
Presented by Co-Directors Backseat Balladeers, led by Karen Blair

Hilli Arduin was born in Suriname and raised in Curaçao and moved to the Netherlands in 1973. She now divides her time between Suriname and the Netherlands. She taught and also studied clinical remedial education and psychology at the UVA, the VU and the University of Leiden.
She has performed in The Netherlands, Belgium, Cuba, South Africa, Suriname, Jamaica, Curaçao, Aruba, Saba, St. Maarten, St. Eustatius and U.S.A.
Besides storytelling, she is an award-winning children’s author and a poet. She has presented her poems on various stages, including the Black Magic Woman festival in The Netherlands, the arts cafe Axem on Saint Maarten, on Curaçao, in Suriname in Tori Oso and at the South African literature festival in Cape Town.
Through her own office, Het Kompas, Hilli Arduin still treats children and adolescents with social-emotional problems as a healthcare psychologist and clinical remedial educationalist. She uses, among other things, stories as a medium to give them more insight into themselves and their environment.
Visit Hilli at

Date and time
Mon, 7 May 2018
8:00 PM – 9:30 PM EDT
Entrance fee $17
A Different Booklist Cultural Centre
777 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON M5S 1Z5

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