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Niemand wandelt ongestraft onder palmen

Millicent Smeets-Muskus

Millicent Smeets-Muskus signing copies of her book Niemand wandelt ongestraft onder palmen (You cannot walk beneath palm trees with impunity, from a text by Goethe) about the Dutch-German Lens family and their “Albertina” ostrich farm in early 20th century Curaçao. All proceeds from the sale of the book will go to the Guiomar Smeets Foundation dedicated to providing scholarships to talented secondary school graduates. The foundation is dedicated to the memory of the author’s daughter who died suddenly in 2006.


[photo & text by Paul Comenencia]

1 comment to “Niemand wandelt ongestraft onder palmen”

  • There are two mistakes in the book.
    page 201 last paragraph it states that “In 1990 and American Len Gillen had the same dream as captain Lodewijk Lens.” This is not true Michael Hahn was the initiator of the Curaçao Ostrich & Game Farm N.V. He was the one who had a dream and made the dream a reality.
    Second mistake is a Soublette photo page 161
    This is not a view of Plantation Choloma but its the view of Plantation Siberie.
    hopefully if the book is ever in reprint these mistakes will be corrected!.
    Otherwise its a resourceful book about the Ostrich Industry from the turn of the century.

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