blog | werkgroep caraïbische letteren

Migrants: Our Role in Building a New Society

Radio Voice of Naija
The Pan-African Media for Informing, Educating and Empowering Migrants in the Diaspora

Migration of peoples is an unavoidable reality of our world and society today. The fact is that migration has always been a part of humanity from olden times. In recent times, however, it has seen an explosive growth due to the turmoils, wars and economic hardships around the world.

That said, when people migrate it brings changes to the ‘giving’ as well as the ‘receiving’ communities. There is supposed to be net benefit or gain to both sides of the equation. That is the ideal expectation we all have but that is not always the case. The resulting imbalance sometimes gives rise to racial and social tensions.

At this juncture, we would like to understand the dynamics of what is happening our present, multi-culturally diverse society. We need to know how everyone of us can help build a newer and better society. To assist us in this task we have for a guest in our radio programme an anthropologist and migration exppert, Dr. Guadelope from the University of Amsterdam.

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