Legacy / Legado
Miguel Archangel Pourier
Bonaire, 29 september 1939 / Curaçao, 23 maart 2013
by Simone Pourier
At his birth his mother pledged,
that he would live a life of purpose,
that he would make a difference
adding value to people’s lives.
So he did, relentlessly serving,
as not to forsake his mother’s pledge,
driven by his intrinsic responsibility,
undertaking justly and fervently his missions.
Hardship and obstacles in his way
were put in the hands of his Creator,
encouraged by his tenacious belief,
that solutions will appear as gifts of faith.
History recorded the results of his actions
every heart he touched bears the temple he created.
May this legacy be his pledge to us
to add value to every life we touch.
Dia el a nase su mama a afirmá
ku lo e hiba un bida di propósito
ku lo hasi un diferensia
i añadí balor na bida di hende.
Esei el a hasi, sirbiendo sin deskanso,
pa no defroudá anhelo di su mama,
impulsá pa su responsabilidat inherente
emprendiendo honesto- i fervientemente su mishonnan.
Difikultat i opstákulo riba su kaminda
el a pone den man di su Kreador
animá pa su kreensia tenas,
ku solushon ta aparesé komo regalo di fe.
Historia a registrá resultado di su akshonnan.
Kada kurason ku el a toka ta karga e tèmpel ku el a krea.
Ohalá nos mira e legado akí komo su kompromiso ku nos
pa añadí balor na kada bida ku nos toka.
Vershon papiamentu di Gregory Berry
na okashon di 5 aña di despedida di Miguel Archangel Pourier