Lamá, Solo y Arte
Op de expositie Lamá, Solo y Arte van 6 t/m 13 april van de Amsterdamse Rijsdijk Gallery is werk te zien van negen Caribische kunstenaars.
Rijsdijk Gallery, Studio Pfaeltzer, Nassaukade 126, Amsterdam. Van 6 t/m 13 april 2024, elke dag open van 13 tot 18 uur. Gallery

Rijsdijk Gallery was founded in 2015 by Mariska Rijsdijk, who was born on the Caribbean island of Aruba and raised on Curaçao. When she was fourteen she moved to The Netherlands with her family. She studied Art History and decided in 2014 that it was about time that people learned about contemporary art of the Dutch Caribbean artists.
The gallery presents works from artists and designers from the A-B-C islands with the intention to also present artists from te S-islands in the future.