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IOWA 2013 International Writing Program

This year the American Embassy is in the position to nominate a primary and an alternate writer for participation in the IOWA 2013 International Writing Program. S ’77 will recommend 2 Surinamese writers for this program. The ten-week residency in Iowa City will tentatively begin on August 24, 2013, and end on November 12, 2013. The IWP is specifically designed to include established and emerging creative writers who have published at least one book (or whose work has appeared in significant publications over the past two years) and possess sufficient proficiency in English to benefit from an extended U.S. program. The international writers will spend 10 weeks in residence at the University of Iowa  presenting their work to local audiences, working with student translators, and participating in classes and workshops. The 2013 program will also feature increased opportunities for writers to participate in optional collaborative projects with artists from other disciplines including music, theater and dance.  The residency will also include field trips to attend literary events.
Further details about the program are available on the IWP website . All nominees must be fluent in English, comfortable with cross-cultural dynamics, and interested in close interaction with other artists from a variety of diverse cultures. Candidates will need to submit curriculum vitae and a 10 – 15 page writing sample in English. Geinteresseerden die voldoen aan de voorwaarden kunnen zich aanmelden via
[Mededeling Schrijversgroep ’77]

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