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Eight Years on Statia

Eight Years on Statia investigates the continuing colonial relationship between the special municipality of Sint Eustatius and the Netherlands.  The book discusses how race, while subtle and insidious, is a pervasive part of society which directly influences the island’s development.

Race, Coloniality and Development

The book is based on eight years of fieldwork and written by an African American woman with family roots on the island. While the book is about the author’s anthropologically informed interpretation of the island’s historical and social structures, it also discusses how the island is a microcosm of the globalized world and, in effect, the island’s challenges of equity and equality represent challenges of modern globalization.

Terese E. Leslie

Teresa E. Leslie is an anthropologist who holds a Bachelor’s degree from Howard University, an MA from University of South Carolina-Columbia, and a PhD from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She attributes her educational success to her family’s deep and historical belief in education for self and community improvement. After living and working on the Dutch Caribbean island of Sint Eustatius for eight years, Teresa recently returned to the United States and currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland.

Eight Years on Statia (232 pp.) is being published by / wordt uitgegeven door Uitgeverij Boekscout, Soest; price / prijs : € 21,50 [postage in the Netherlands included; inclusief verzending in Nederland].

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