blog | werkgroep caraïbische letteren

Don’t let the culture war bring down Notting Hill Carnival

by Inaya Folarin Iman

For most people, Notting Hill Carnival, London’s annual Caribbean-inspired street festival, is an opportunity to let loose, dance, grab some delicious food and take part in some wholesome or less-than-wholesome fun. But rather than simply enjoy the party, identitarians on both the left and the right have sought to fold it into Britain’s interminable culture wars.

from Facebook page NHCarnival

An identitarian stand-off has ensued following several scenes of violence at this year’s event over the bank-holiday weekend. One such outbreak culminated in 21-year-old Takayo Nembhard being stabbed to death, while six others were wounded in other incidents. That such violence has been allowed to happen, once again, at such a long-standing public event raises serious questions.

To continue reading, please, turn to Spiked! website page, September 3, 2022.

on 02.09.2022 at 15:05
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