Disclosing Diaries
This event consists of visual connections to the plantation ground by the documentation of historical narrations about the plantation Berg en Dal and several pages from missionary diaries (1862) describing the personal relationships and complaints of the enslaved after emancipation. Visual aspects of the documentary contain diverse elements of the artistic work of Sarojini Lewis such performance and embodiment of the rituals and stories which she made in collaboration with the main characters of the band Ravech: Chaver Stutgard, Reindell Stutgard, Adam Wakidin and Raydle Santjes.
Their participation is set in the scenario of the plantation. Lewis creates a basis for an installation that will be in fusion with the metal music of Ravech and the performative actions of the band members on the plantation ground Berg en Dal. The activation of the pages of a diary and Sutterlin script is done through a combination with the Ravech band’s members’ bodily engagement with the plantation ground and the sound recordings.
Two of the band members are related to Berg en Dal by their name Stutgard, their genealogy is described in the dairies since 1824. Their uncle Stutgard together with Kaatje, Prof Lamur and Cynthia Mc Leod as well as several personas related to the plantation retell their observations. They engage with their newly written songs that will be performed in an interdisciplinary set up and in between the documentary scenes.