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Derek Walcott to premiere new play in Essex

by Daisy Bowie-Sell
Derek Walcott’s new play O Starry Starry Night! will premiere at the University of Essex in May this year. The writer is coming to the UK from his home country of St Lucia to direct the play, which is based around a meeting of the artists Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin.
Although known primarily as a poet, Walcott, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1992, has written over 20 plays.
O Starry Starry Night! is set in the south of France, when Gauguin visited van Gogh while he was living in Arles in 1888. It will feature several high profile actors from Trinidad, including Wendell Manwarren and Nigel Scott. Scott said of the production: “You do not turn down a master. Not when you have seen him rise from bright, sharp-penned, theatre critic, emerging poet and playwright, into a Nobel laureate at the height of his creative power!”
[from The Telegraph, 19 March 2013]

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