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Concert Henk Mak van Dijk en Gustavo Corrales Romero

Henk Mak van Dijk en Gustavo Corrales Romero geven op zondag 11 november een pianoconcert in de Centrale Bibliotheek van Den Haag. De toegang is vrij.

Jan Brokken met Gustavo Corrales Romero


Locatie: Centrale Bibliotheek Den Haag, Spui 68, 1e etage
Inloop: 13.30 uur, aanvang 14.00 uur.Toegang: gratis

Pianist Henk Mak van Dijk has specialized in classical music from the former Dutch East Indies. His research – in collaboration with the NMI [Dutch Music Institute] – has resulted in several concerts, lectures, recordings, books and exhibitions. Among others, he wrote the book De oostenwind waait naar het westen [The Eastern Wind blows to the West], a study on Indische composers and compositions (KITLV Press, Leiden).

Pianist/composer Gustavo Corrales Romero was educated in Cuba and Russia. His career and experience now span over 30 years. His repertoire includes works by classical composers and creations by his contemporaries, allowing him to become one of the leading interpreters of this music. Through his various concert formulas his main aim is to promote ‘the other sound of Latin America’ through the Latin American classical and contemporary repertoire in which he specializes. His company KyG Productions has been producing CDs, books and concerts since 2000

Vragen en informatie
‘KyG’ KyG Productions
Karen D. Russel de Corrales
Gustavo Corrales Romero
06 52 121 770 of 070 363 4102

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