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Colorized portraits of Ellis Island immigrants, 1906-1911

Ellis Island served as the United State’s largest immigration station, processing up to 12 million people between 1892 and 1954. These historical photos were taken between 1906 and 1914 by amateur photographer Augustus Sherman.
Sherman was an untrained, yet highly gifted photographer who created hundreds of images documenting the new arrivals to America. Fascinated by the diverse origins and cultural backgrounds of his subjects, Sherman created a riveting series of portraits, offering viewers a compelling perspective on this dynamic period in American history.

“Guadeloupean Woman.” /

“Guadeloupean Woman.” The elaborate tartan headpiece worn by this Guadeloupean woman can be traced back to the Middle Ages, where the eastern Indian city of Madras was famed for its cotton making.
First plain, then striped and then with increasingly elaborate patterns, the Madras fabric that was exported and used as headwraps was eventually influenced by the Scottish in colonial India, leading to a Madras-inspired tartan known as “Madrasi checks,” which in the colonial empires made its way to the French-occupied Caribbean. Like many of the traditional costumes from all over the world, the headpiece decoration in many cases was indicative of the married status of the wearer. 1911.

For many more portraits, please, turn to the website Rare Historical Photos

on 06.01.2023 at 19:17
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