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Aliefka Bijlsma’s The Consul General’s Wife

Dear friends and acquaintances,

I am excited to announce that my second published novel – The Consul General’s Wife – is now available in English as an eBook, see the attached press release!

Next step is to meet my personal goal, which is to pay the investors back who made this translation possible. With your help, I might actually manage. Please don’t underestimate your influence in this digital world. Your individual “tag & like” (see beneath) makes a huge difference on amazon’s ranking lists. So here are five suggestions of things you could do to help out.

1.Buy the book on amazon as mobi (for Kindle)* here:

2.Or buy on my website as ePub (for iPad/iPhone)* here:

3. Tag & hit agree (scroll down) my eBook on amazon as literary fiction and/or contemporary and like it (top right)

4. Review it for the newspaper/magazine you work for, on facebook, twitter, your blog, on amazon . And share.

5. Forward the beneath press release to bloggers, reviewers, friends who like to read. If you know people in the ex-pat scene such as board-members of international clubs, embassies, diplomats, people who work for NGOs and so on, you could specifically bring my book to their attention as this book is set within their scene.

If you jump in, you’ll add to the adventure and to the magic. But most of all: you’ll be helping me, for which I am really very grateful in advance. Don’t forget to let me know what I can do for you in return!

Love to you all from,


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