blog | werkgroep caraïbische letteren

Save Doggy Beach

Our wildlife and public access to recreational areas in Curaçao are at great risk. The Curaçao government, along with APC [Algemeen Pensioenfonds Curaçao], and the Papagayo Group want to develop the last remaining public coastal areas in Jan Thiel Bay.

[foto ontleend aan de website van Curaçao Nature]

This area is unique for different reasons. Learn why hotel development might not be the best choice for this area, and sign the petition below to support sustainability in Curaçao!

Jan Thiel’s Natural beauty
The land in question borders one of Curacao’s largest salt pans- The Jan Thiel Salt Pans – which are home to over 80 bird species. Some live here year round, while some other migratory birds visit from other countries during the winter months. Some flamingos spend their days in Curaçao, and fly back to Bonaire everyday just to sleep. These birds have been living this way for centuries. In addition, some of these birds, only mate and breed in the Jan Thiel area in Curaçao.

Continue reading on the Curaçao Nature website and learn more about signing the petition.

on 23.10.2021 at 11:05
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