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Caribbean Studies Association Film and Performance Track presents: Pim de la Parra

His films Wan Pipel and The Secret of the Saramacca River were both screened at the CSA Film and Performance Track. The Secret of the Saramacca River was screened at a special night of film on Tuesday 1st June after a PUMA hosted reception for this film track. The filmmaker made a riveting introduction to the film in which he described the process by which it was shot and produced in Suriname. After the screening, which was enthusiastically received, there was an intense question and answer discussion with the film maker. The CSA was fortunate to attract Pim De La Parra to the conference this year. Pim is a pioneer of Caribbean cinema with a filmography of some 50 productions to his credit. He is the founder and Director of the Surinamese film academy where he continues his own work, as well as, instructs younger filmmakers in both the artistic and technical aspects of feature length narrative film and documentary. Mr De La Parra attended many screenings and panel discussions during the Film and Performance track also offering valuable insights at each session. His life and work is the subject of a new documentary, Parradox that will be premiered on Dutch television in November 2011.

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