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Seminar: Digital poetics and the present

University of Amsterdam, December 9-10, 2011.
Key-notes: Jan Baetens, Rita Raley and Roberto Simanowski.

‘Digital literature’ covers a broad spectrum: from Facebook-poetry to interactive fiction and animated poems written in Flash. In recent years, both criticism and practice of digital literature have created a theoretical basis for the approach of the new art-form. Ideas have been brought forward on the historical, contextual and institutional embedding of digital literature. Critics proposed various ways to analyze the hybrid that digital literature is and have emphasised the necessity of a ‘media-specific analysis’. Now the time has come to look closer at techniques and effects of digital literary works, and at the contemporary contexts in which they are created. Digital literature does not operate in isolation: it is in all respects a contemporary artform. The seminar focusses on this question of digital ‘poetics’, understood as the question to the nature and the value of the work, both in criticism as in practice itself.

Conference website and program: klik hier.

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