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IM Günther Grass

by Tjebbe van Tijen


Günter Grass died age 87 I depicted him today with his attributes:
– pipe – smoke screen – only known snapshot of Grass as a young man in Nazi Labour Service uniform (1) – the tin drum boy from the movie based on his 1959 novel – the onion refers to his 2006 auto-biographic novel “peeling the onion” (Beim Häuten der Zwiebel) where he admits for the first time having served as a boy in the Waffen SSgrass


– “What mus be said (Was gesagt werden muss) a poem as an open letter published in 2012 in Süddeutsche Zeitung, La Republica and El País on the Israeli possession of nuclear weapons without the control of United Nations bodies, the first strike option in regard to Iran and deliver of weapon facilities by Germany to Israel, a poem that triggered strong reactions in pro-Israel circles, with several partisans of Israel accusing him of being a Nazi and anti-semite. Grass an advocate for the active memory on the Nazi past and Grass as a man hiding part of his youth for most of his life…

This memorial picture can only become one full with smoke and tears in the eyes because of an onion being peeled and cut.


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