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Nicolaas schrijft Papiamento dictee

Van BookIsh Publishers, het label waaronder Quito Nicolaas zijn boeken in eigen beheer uitbrengt, is het volgende persbericht:
BookIsh Publishers is proud to announce that her published writer Quito Nicolaas wrote the dictation for ‘E Gran Dictado di Papiamento’ to take place tomorrow on the island of Aruba.
Papiamento is the maternal language of the community living on the Caribbean island. The aim is to stimulate the correct use of the language and to cherish the cultural heritage. People can participate and test out if they dominate the language and there are of course prices to give away.
The dictation is organized in celebration of February the 21st, the International Mother Language Day. It’s a double celebration, for 2013 is also the Year of Papiamento.
Quito Nicolaas is an avid writer of the Papiamento language and has written lots of books in his mother tongue. The last one ‘Bos pa Planta’  [Constructing Voices] was published by BookIsh Publishers. Currently we’re preparing new work soon to come out. His books and other language books are available @ BookIsh Plaza

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