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Diversity / Confusion

Seinfeld is een Amerikaanse comedyserie die in de jaren ´80 op de Nederlandse televisie vertoond werd en nog steeds herhaald wordt. De serie werd gemaakt in de periode ´89 – ´98 en won veel prijzen waaronder een Golden Globe voor de hoofdrol Jerry Seinfeld en een Emmy voor Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series. Schrijvers van de serie zijn Larry David, Jerry Seinfeld en verschillende anderen.
De comedy werd wel A show about nothing genoemd, omdat onnozele voorvallen, kleine ergernissen en terloopse opmerkingen werden uitgesponnen tot compleet verhaal. De serie speelt zich af in New York en draait om vier vrienden: de komiek Jerry, buurman Kramer, ex-vriendin Elaine en loser George.
In het fragment uit de aflevering The Wizard (seizoen 9), wordt fijntjes aangestipt hoe de multiculturele samenleving en politieke correctheid tot verwarring kunnen leiden.
V.l.n.r. de karakters Kramer, Elaine, George en Jerry
The Wizard (1998) written by Steve Lookner
Jerry: “What about you datin’ a black guy? What’s the big deal?”
Elaine: “What black guy?”
Jerry: “Darryl. He’s black, isn’t he?”
Elaine: “He is?”
George: “No, he isn’t.”
Jerry: “Isn’t he, Elaine?”
Elaine: “You think?”
George: “I thought he looked Irish.”
Jerry: “What’s his last name?”
Elaine: “Nelson.”
George: “That’s not Irish.”
Jerry: “I think he’s black.”
George: “Should we be talkin’ about this?”
Elaine: “I think it’s OK.”
George: “No, it isn’t.”
Jerry: “Why not?”
George: “Well, it would be OK if Darryl was here.”
Jerry: “If he’s black.”
Elaine: “Is he black?”
Jerry: “Does it matter?”
Elaine: “No, course not. I mean, I’d just like to know.”
Jerry: “Oh, so you need to know?”
Elaine: “No, I don’t need to know. I just think it would be nice if I knew.”
 Vriendje Darryl Nelson
[approaching Darryl’s apartment, Elaine hears loud rap music being played, and smiles knowingly]

Elaine, as Darryl opens his door: “Hey.”
Darryl: “Hey.”
Elaine: “Great music.”
Darryl: “Oh, it’s my neighbor. They blast that stuff twenty four hours a day.
I hate it.”
Darryl: “Yo, you! Turn it down!”
Elaine: “Oh, wow, these are nice. Do they have any cultural significance?”
Darryl: “They’re… African.”
Elaine: “Right. African.”
Darryl: “Well, not Africa, actually. South Africa.”
Elaine: “South Africa.”
Darryl: “My family used to live there, but, uh, we got out years ago, for
obvious reasons. You know how it is.”
Elaine: “Maybe.”
Waitress, to Darryl, who’s with Elaine at Monk’s: “Coffee?”
Darryl: “Sure.”
Waitress, to Darryl: “Are you black? Or should I bring some cream.”
Darryl: “I’m black.”
Darryl, re-thinking: “Oh, you know what? Bring a little cream.”
Darryl, seeing a couple gesturing towards him and Elaine: “Did you hear that?”
Elaine: “What?”
Darryl: “God, there are still people who have trouble with an interracial
Elaine: “Interracial? Us?”
Darryl: “Isn’t that unbelievable!?”
Elaine: “Yes, it’s awful! They’re upset because we’re an interracial couple.
That is racism!”
Darryl: “I don’t feel like eating.”
Elaine: “Me neither. Well, maybe this turkey club.”
Waitress at Monk’s, handing Elaine a menu: “Here you go.”
Elaine, to the black waitress: “Long day?”
Waitress: “Yeah, I just worked a triple shift.”
Elaine: “I hear ya, Sister.”
Waitress: “Sister?”
Elaine, as Darryl comes into Monk’s: “Yeah. It’s OK. My boyfriend’s black.
Here he is. See?”
Darryl: “Hi, Elaine.”
Elaine: “Hey.”
Waitress: “He’s black?”
Elaine: “Yeah.”
Darryl: “I’m black?”
Elaine: “Aren’t you?”
Waitress, leaving: “I’ll give you a couple of minutes to decide.”
Darryl: “What are you talking about?”
Elaine: “You’re black. You said we were an interracial couple.”
Darryl: “We are. Because you’re Hispanic.”
Elaine: “I am?”
Darryl: “Aren’t you?”
Elaine: “No. Why would you think that?”
Darryl: “Your name’s Benes, your hair, and you kept taking me to those
Spanish restaurants.”
Elaine: “That’s because I thought you were black.”
Darryl: “Why would you take me to a Spanish restaurant because I’m black?”
Elaine: “I don’t think we should be talking about this.”
Darryl: “So, what are you?”
Elaine: “I’m white.”
Darryl: “So, we’re just a couple of white people?”
Elaine: “I guess.”
Darryl: “Oh.”
Elaine: “Yeah. So do you want to go to the Gap?”
Darryl, leaving with Elaine: “Sure.”
on 11.06.2013 at 12:45

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