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‘We’re teaching university students lies’ – An interview with Dr Jordan Peterson

By Jason Tucker and Jason Van den Beukel

Do you view social justice culture as a threat to democracy, and why?

Absolutely. There’s nothing about the [Political Correct] authoritarian types that has any gratitude for any institutions. They have a term – patriarchy. It’s all-encompassing. It means that everything our society is, is corrupt. There’s no line, they mean everything. Go online, go look at ten women’s studies websites. Pick them at random. Read them. They say ‘western civilization is a corrupt patriarchy right down to the goddamned core. We have to overthrow it.’

Which means democracy, which means liberalism, which means human rights.

It means the whole thing. The whole edifice. And what do they compare it to? Utopia. Why do you think the feminists would go after Ayaan Hirsi Ali? She’s a hero, that woman. She’s from Somalia. She grew up in a very oppressive patriarchy – a real one. She escaped from an arranged marriage, and moved to Holland and she fell in love with Holland. Two things really struck her initially before she went to university and become a student of the Enlightenment. Number one – she would stand where there was public transport, and a digital sign would say when the public transport was going to arrive, and it would arrive exactly when it said it was going to. It was unbelievable to her. And the other thing she couldn’t believe was that police would help you. You know you’re in a civilized country when the police don’t just rape you and steal everything you have. The radical left people don’t give a damn about any of that.

Read the lengthy interview here, C2C Journal, December 1, 2016.

NOTE: Trigger warning: the Winter 2016 edition of C2C Journal contains ideas and opinions that are not tolerated on many university campuses today. Some of them may offend human rights codes, refuse to acknowledge identities, and even question “settled science”. But if you believe provocation in defence of free expression is no vice then take heart, you are not alone, as you will discover in a collection of essays and articles about the rising backlash against politically correct tyranny, on campus and elsewhere, starting with Paul Bunner’s lead editorial, Jason VandenBeukel’s profile of University of Toronto counterrevolutionary Jordan Peterson, and Jason Tucker’s exclusive interview with Peterson.

For a translation in Dutch, click here, The Post Online, 10 december 2016.


on 11.12.2016 at 14:47

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