21 maart: Alakondre Puwema Neti
Alakondre Puwema Neti has the purpose to experience cultural expression and diversity on International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and World Poetry Day, both on March 21.
The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is since 1966 observed annually on the day the police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid “pass laws” in 1960.
World Poetry Day celebrates since 1999 one of humanity’s most treasured forms of cultural and linguistic expressions. Poetry continues to bring people together across continents and is found in a myriad of forms throughout the world.
This year’s edition Warderi gi na Uma pays tribute to women and their resilience, and provide an antidote to racial discrimination which disproportionately affects women.
The main performing art will be poetry, possibly complemented with dancing and singing based on poems. The line up is in progress and the objective is to give a platform to 20 artists.
Alakondre Puwema Neti is an initiative of Matai Zamuël, CARICOM Youth Ambassador, and this second edition is produced by HB Media NV and part of their cultural conscious series, which is created to increase the cultural consciousness of residents and visitors of Suriname by organizing various events with each time another focus and line up of performing talents.
Date: Thursday March 21, 2024
Time: 18.00 – 21.00, gates open at 17.30
Location: Theater Thalia Suriname
For those interested to be part of the line up, please register before Feb 25 end of day.
To register: https://forms.gle/XRnnRQGQTqQfph1T6 or WhatsApp 874-7874
Warm regards,
Djina Bergraaf-Sanchit
HB Media NV