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Amsterdam Conference; The Pan-Guyanese Highway: Cayenne – Georgetown – Paramaribo

Ecotones Conference
 Amsterdam, 1-3 October 2015

** Latest programme!! **


Maroni/Marowijnerivier, border river between Suriname and La Guyane. Foto © Monica van Kempen

The Pan-Guyanese Highway : Cayenne Georgetown Paramaribo


Venue: Doelenzaal, University Library of Amsterdam, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam

Thursday 1 October 2015 18.00-21.30

18.00-19.00 Welcome & Registration
19.00-19.15 Official Welcome (word of the Organizers, Kim Andringa, Kathleen Gyssels, Michiel van Kempen; a word on Ecotones by J. Misrahi-Barak)
19.10-20.00 Keynote Gert Oostindie (Leiden University)
20.00-21.20 Reception

Friday 2 October 2015 9.00-18.00
Chair: Gert Oostindie
Simona Vezzoli (International Migration Institute) – Migration in the three Guianas
Rosemarijn Hoefte (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies, Leiden), Matthew L. Bishop (Institute for International Relations, T & T) and Peter Clegg (U. of the West of England, Bristol) – Hemispheric Reconfigurations and the Three Guianas
Patricia Noxolo (U. Birmingham) – The 3 Guyanas: ‘Community as other than the Animism of Fate’

10.45-11.00 Coffee break


Marron. Foto © Michiel van Kempen

11.00-12.30 Session 2 MAROON CULTURE
Chair: to be anounced
 Stéphanie Guyon (U. de Picardie Jules Verne) – Amerindian and Marrons Associational Participation and Transborder Circulation in Lower Marowijne
Cathérine Benoit (Connecticut College) – Border Reinforcement on the Maroni River: on Transnationalism and the Non-Circulation of People to French Guiana
Clémence Léobal (U. Paris-Descartes/Ehess) – Transborder Ways of Dwelling and Changing Identifications in Lower Marowijne
12.30-14.00 Lunch break

struikelblok - dood

George Struikelblok – Death

14.00-15.30 Session 3 THE ARTS
Chair: Michiel van Kempen
Gerard Collomb (Institut Interdisciplinaire d’Anthropologie du Contemporain, EHESS/CNRS, Paris) – Mobilizing Symbolic Resources across the Borders: “new” Kali’na Music between French Guiana and Suriname.
Hilde Neus (IOL, Paramaribo) – Artistic Exchanges among Islands

15.30-16.00 Tea break

16.00-17.00 Session 4 ARTS/RELIGION
Chair: Joop Vernooij
Michelle Yaa Asantewa (indep. Researcher, London) – Spirits in the Guianas: Guyanese Comfa and the Ndyukas of Suriname
Patricia Murray (U. of London) – Activating the Ghosts: Cross-Cultural Strategies in the Stories of Wilson Harris and Pauline Melville

17.30-19.30 Guided tour through Amsterdam in the Golden Age by Leo Balai
19.30 Dinner in an 17th-century channel house: the Geelvinck Hinlopen Huis – kindly offered by the University of Montpellier

Saturday 3 October 2015
9.30-10.30 Session 5 LANGUAGES

Chair: Folkert Kuiken (University of Amsterdam)
Sabine Gorovitz (Universidade de Brasilia) – Brazilians in French Guiana: Types of Bilingual
Talk in Family Interactions
Ellen-Rose Kambel (Rutu Foundation) & Emmanuelle Le Pichon-Vorstman (Utrecht
University) – The Introduction of Plurilingual and Intercultural Teaching Strategies in
Suriname: Between Evidence and Resistance
10.30-10.45 Coffee break

Saint Laurent

Saint Laurent du Maroni, 2015; foto © Michiel van Kempen

10.45-12.15 Session 6 LITERATURE

Chair: Judith Misrahi-Barak (University Paul Valéry  Montpellier 3)
Kathleen Gyssels (Antwerp University) – ‘Damas and the Chinese Mask: coolitude, sinutude,
antillanité and créolité in Damas’ poetry’
Gemma Robinson (University of Stirling) – Making Guyana from the Guianas: Edgar
Mittelholzer, Martin Carter, Denis Williams on Guyanese National Culture
Julio Monteiro (Universidade de Brasilia) – Literature, History, Memory: The Historical Novel
in Suriname
12.15-12.45 Closing session
12.45-14.30 Lunch and farewell drink; musical accompagnement: Sanne Landvreugd

Abstracts here

All pictures, unless indicated otherwise, © Michiel van Kempen




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