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It happened at Marienburg, Suriname

Zojuist is bij uitgeverij Vaco Publishers in Paramaribo verschenen It happened at Marienburg, Suriname, de Engelse vertaling van de historische roman Herinneringen aan Mariënburg van Surinames meest bekende schrijfster Cynthia Mc Leod. Deze bijzondere uitgave kwam tot stand door een unieke samenwerking van VACO Publishers, de regering van India en de ambassades van Suriname en Nederland.


Plantation Mariënburg, Suriname, in the year 1902. The Hindustani and Javanese immigrants, who live and work on the sugar plantation under terrible conditions, revolt and kill the director in a gruesome way. Of course this is not accepted by those in power and a group of soldiers is directed to Mariënburg. There is a confrontation. The soldiers open fire at a crowd and people die. The dead don’t receive a proper burial but are dumped in a mass grave at a location unknown to the relatives. From then on, mysterious things start happening at Mariënburg. The workers are convinced that they are caused by the mass grave.

Sita is the illegal daughter of a Hindustani immigrant and the director of Mariënburg who was killed. As a child, she experiences the rebellion on the plantation from up close. As an adult, she goes back to Mariënburg with her husband, where she learns that the plantation has a score to settle with her too.

152 pagina’s | 138 x 215 mm | paperback met zilverfoliedruk | Engels

Prijs: srd 118,80

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